Remember When God Answered

Remember When God Answered

by Lorenz Alipio

Remembering may not be a classic prayer form, but it is a powerful way of connecting to God and learning from Him. When we remember the amazing things God has done in our lives, we find proof of how much God loves us.

What are some different ways to connect with God? Praying, journaling, meditating, and Bible reading are popular answers. Yet, there’s one spiritual practice that’s often forgotten: Remembering!  

Remembering may not be a classic prayer form, but it is a powerful way of connecting to God and learning from Him. When we remember the amazing things God has done in our lives, we find proof of how much God loves us. Recalling all the good gifts He’s provided fills us with gratitude and increases our trust in Him. 

So, take a moment and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and let your body relax. Now think back through your life. Identify the moments when God answered your prayers. When you’re done, write them down. These are your reminders that God is with you always. 

The next time you are feeling alone or fearful or tired, you can read back through this list. It will remind you that God loves you and watches over you. Remembering the past will give you hope for the future. 

That list of remembrances is also a path into the future! Every time God acts in your life, He is teaching you and guiding you towards His will (Psalm 32:8). It is human nature to feel very focused when something wonderful happens but then lose that direction in the busyness of daily life. God calls us to remember what He’s done so that we can serve him humbly and be an example of hope to others. 

When do you ask God for help? Is it only when you’ve exhausted every other option? Look back at your list of remembrances: Were there challenging obstacles God overcame or unexpected needs that God provided for?  Don’t try to take on life by yourself! Instead, draw near to God, acknowledge that you need Him and cannot live a second of your life without him (John 15:5-7).

Remember the moments God answered. God will meet you there.

Edited by Alyson Rockhold

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